Book Report by Erik Seversen
The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
Published: 2007 Edition, 297 Pages; 2009 Edition, 416 Pages
Quick Takeaway: The 4-hour Workweek is a springboard that allows readers to know that anything is possible. The book ignites an interest in the reader to look at how we can find ways to succeed beyond the normal routes. It inspires people to step out of the standard 9-5 lanes that society says is best and provides examples on how to find more fulfilment (and excitement and success) within our lives.
Why I read this book: It was given to me by a friend, Kirk Rau.
Notable Quotes: “What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.” – Tim Ferriss
“$1,000,000 in the bank isn’t the fantasy. The fantasy is the lifestyle of complete freedom it supposedly allows.” – Tim Ferriss
“’Someday’ is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.” – Tim Ferriss
Book Report: If you are like me and the millions of other people who have been inspired by Timothy Ferriss, you know that The 4-Hour Workweek isn’t just an autobiography highlighting the amazing feats of Tim Ferriss. You also know that it isn’t just a book describing how to live an amazing life. Rather, The 4-Hour Workweek is the start of an entirely new way of thinking.
The 4-Hour Workweek does highlight Ferriss’ amazing life and it is an instruction book on how to travel around the world for less money than you think and how to get time off from work, work remotely, or even start your own company but more than that, this book inspires the reader to think differently and to figure things out for themselves in order to make all of our lives both more interesting and better.
Starting out with a few anecdotes on how he became a Chinese Kickboxing world champion and a Tango champion ballroom dancer in Argentina, you’d think that Timothy Ferriss spent years mastering the skills needed to accomplish these amazing feats, but this is not the case. In The 4-Hour Workweek, Ferriss shows how he figured out shortcuts on accomplishing great things in less time and with less energy than everyone else. The book becomes a toolkit for the inspired to follow in order to become one of the “new rich” or those wealthy not only in terms of money in the bank but in terms of balance and life-experiences. The 4-Hour Workweek is also a resource showing step-by-step how Ferriss figured out how to accomplish more without working harder, but rather by working less with a more strategic plan and focused goals. The book is indeed an inspiration.
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